Schlagwortarchiv für: Coding

Graham McBain
 · 2 min read

Using and

Photo by Kyle Hanson on Unsplash

Protocols like Compound Finance and DYDX are arguably the most compelling reasons why you’d want to build an app on Ethereum. Unfortunately the entire web3 stack is surrounded by a cloud of wonky terminology and technical barriers. This jargon minefield makes it next to impossible for the average Jane to get something up and running.

Until now

I’ve been working on an simple MVP Portis plugin that allows anyone to utilize these and other protocols with no programming knowledge. To do this I leveraged a platform called, a visual programming language with powerful workflow automation tools.

The first step in making this possible is integrating a wallet provider. I’m a big fan of Portis and integrating their wallet has proven to be very easy. All this took was a few evenings and emails to the team to talk about problems I ran into. This work has resulted in the first tool which lets a non developer create a Dapp, all in under 2 minutes. Weiterlesen – Oh wow, Stanford’s CS106A and CS106B are back online for free. Highly recommended if you’re a not-really-coder who wants to be a coder. – is an end-to-end Ethereum course, designed to provide experienced developers with the knowledge and skills needed to become industry-leading Ethereum developers.