Von Marc Bettinger – In Zürich wurde für einen Testbetrieb von einer Woche der erste Bitcoin-Automat im Viadukt aufgestellt. Ich habe im November über sogenannte Altcoins berichtet, also alternative Kryptowährungen zur Bitcoin.
ethereum – Google Blogsuche

Ethereum schickt sich an das neue Internet zu werden. Und was sich auf den ersten Blick etwas komisch anhört, findet im Netz schon jetzt riesigen Anklang. Ethereum sammelt Geld ein per Coinfunding. Über Coinfunding …
ethereum – Google Blogsuche

handelszeitung.chGeldsegen für Zuger Start-up Ethereumhandelszeitung.chAls Gegenleistung für ihre Investition erhielten die Ethereum-Unterstützer rund 60 Millionen Einheiten der neu geschaffenen digitalen Währung …
ethereum – Google Blogsuche

The Ripple protocol is a distributed exchange network that allows exchanges between any fiat currency as well digital currencies like bitcoins and ripples. Using this protocol, users in the U.S. can send dollars to places like Mexico, routing the transaction through the lowest-cost exchange path on the network, and have the payments converted into pesos and delivered into the recipient’s wallet in seconds. Platforms like Ripple and other cryptocurrency features can benefit everyday people in four primary areas: remittances, liquidity, access to cash and access to credit…


Howard Hinnant

Howard Hinnnat, C++ mensch

The Ripple Labs employee spotlight is on Howard Hinnant this week, who is in Bellevue, Washington for cppcon, the inaugural conference for all things C++.

Howard has been a prolific and long-time contributor to the C++ community as lead author of several C++11 features including move semantics, unique_ptr, and <chrono> API and has authored over 30 C++ committee papers.

During his time at Apple he developed libc++, an open source implementation of the C++11 standard library, which the iPhone maker continues to use. He is also a Library Working Group Chair Emeritus at the Standard C++ Foundation.

Today, as a senior engineer within the 11-person Rippled team, Howard is channeling his self-taught expertise to help build the core protocols that will power what we see as the birth of the value web.

Rippled is the core, peer-to-peer server component of the Ripple protocol (which already includes a number of C++14 features). It essentially is Ripple—by facilitating the processes that manage and validate transactions.

Moving forward, the team’s priorities are stability, performance, security, and scalability—while introducing new features like m-of-n multisign, additional cryptographic curves, and autobridging, according to Rippled project manager Yana Novikova.

At cppcon, the former aerospace engineer will be presenting his latest paper, Types Don’t Know # (N3980). Before Howard left, I sat down with him and Vinnie Falco, team lead of Rippled, for a brief fireside chat.

Ripple Labs: So what’s up with cppcon?

Howard: This is the first year so it’s kind of an experiment, but I suspect it will be a success. It has the support of the leading professionals in the industry.

Vinnie: Cppcon is a very technical conference that focuses on the development and growth of the language itself. So a lot of the discussions and presentations will surround the technical aspects of the language and could very well be precursors to new features.

Ripple Labs: What will you be doing at the conference?

Howard: My contribution at this conference is going to be talking about the work we have been doing and implementing in Rippled, mainly the parts that concern how to hash things and putting items into unordered containers.

I’ve written a proposal for it, which I’ll be presenting. It hasn’t been accepted yet by the committee, but it’s under consideration at this time. This proposed implementation allows people to easily switch among different hash algorithms.

Vinnie: N3980 addresses a long-standing shortcoming in the hash functions for unordered containers, which can result in suboptimal performance when using a standard library. It basically allows programmers to easily choose between different hash functions such as Murmur, SipHash, SpookyHash, and FNV without changing every call site.

Howard: Now developers have a choice of hash functions without having to rewrite everything. You write the hashing infrastructure once, and with very little effort, you can switch between different algorithms, which wasn’t previously possible.

Vinnie: It’s very relevant to decentralized programs. The result of Howard’s work benefits anyone developing peer-to-peer software.

Howard: It has very wide applications because the hash containers are extremely widely used. You name it, people are hashing things. It’s quite a basic utility.

Vinnie: When it comes to digital finance, hash functions are crucial, along with the performance of these programs. Bitcoin, Ripple, and countless other systems use them.

Ripple Labs: What does it take for a proposal to get accepted by the committee.

Vinnie: Howard has had work accepted in the past, but it’s obviously not a walk in the park. This is serious, very theoretical work—and it needs to improve the language. It’s work so incredibly technical that very few people are even qualified to analyze it.

Having something approved that goes into the language—it can take years, maybe a decade. It’s a very small club.

Ripple Labs: So Howard, how did you get so good at C++?

Howard: I was self-taught. I’ve always been interested in programming, but I had only taken a couple courses in Fortran and assembly. I started collecting languages on my own. I taught myself C, Pascal, and Postscript.

Eventually, I picked up C++ and decided I really liked it, better than the other languages that I learned so I kept teaching myself about it.

Ripple Labs: What was so attractive about C++?

Howard: For me, I really like how you can program at a high level and in the same language, program at a low level. C++ offers complete control. It doesn’t require low level languages like C or assembly but still has high level facilities. It allows you to do everything.

Ripple Labs: OK, last question. What’s your favorite C++ feature?

Howard: The destructor. It’s the most elegant form of garbage collection I’ve ever seen.


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Cryptocurrencies have now become commonplace in the online world. Although most of the media attention is focused on Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, or other decentralised payment systems, the true revolution is happening at a much deeper level, one that does not involve only money. Bitcoin’s underlying technology – the “block chain” – has been adopted by many other applications with projects such as Maidsafe for distributed file storage, Twister or Bit-messaging for decentralised online communications, etc.

On 22 July 2014, a new cryptocurrency has become available on the market. After many months of preparation, Ethereum finally launched the pre-sale of its very own cryptocurrency – Ether – raising over 25.000 Bitcoin (approximatively $15.000.000) in less than two weeks. But what distinguishes Ethereum from other (more traditional) cryptocurrencies is that it provides a platform for the deployment of decentralised applications which have the potential to disrupt some of the most powerful organisations in advanced societies: those who instantiate financial and governmental institutions.

The role of institutions

An institution refers to any social structure in charge of governing the behaviour of individuals within a given community – such as law, money, religion, education, etc (Durkheim, 1985). This is generally achieved by means of formalised mechanisms of social order known as organisations – such as the government, the bank, the church, and so forth.

Institutions are needed to coordinate actions and stabilise expectations amongst a disparate set of individuals – two objectives that could, historically, only be achieved through hierarchical organisations and centralised forms of control.

The former (coordination) is achieved when there are efficient and effective interactions amongst a non-coordinated group of individuals – just like banks coordinate the savings and investments of multiple individuals and organisations.

The latter (trust) requires an organisation to be both accountable and sustainable over time. For instance, we expect banks to be responsible, and to operate with relatively predictable patterns over a long period of time.

The problem with institutions is not their function, but rather the centralised structure of the organisations that subtend them. Centralisation is costly because it relies on the aggregation of information for decision-making, which reduces the ability of such organisations to react promptly to their changing environment. Moreover, centralisation encourages the accumulation of resources and power in the hands of a few individuals, at the expense of less privileged groups.

Can the core functions of institutions – coordination and trust – be achieved by means of decentralised applications, thus avoiding the costs of centralised control?

Bitcoin – disrupting the financial institution

Let us take a look at how the financial system is affected by modern decentralised technologies. There has been a long history of pre-digital complementary currencies, such as the Bavarian “wära” and other Gesellian currencies, and multiple experiments were made during the 1990s and the early 2000s with new digital currencies, such as E-gold and the Liberty Dollar. Most of them failed because of scams, instability and scalability problems, some were even involved with massive money laundering regimes and eventually were shut down and/or seized.

Learning from previous failures, Bitcoin, as a decentralised cryptocurrency, represents a true discontinuity from the rest.

Created by the fictional character Satoshi Nakamoto, the Bitcoin network relies on basic cryptographic tools (such as public/private key encryption and digital signatures) to produce and maintain a decentralised public ledger (or “blockchain”) recording all transactions that have been made (and will be made) on the network. The validity and legitimacy of these transactions is verified through the process of “mining” – a process that relies on full transparency and peer-to-peer collaboration to overcome the coordination problems that are typical of decentralised networks (Nakamoto, 2008).

Contrarily to other virtual currencies, Bitcoin overcame several scams and attacks. In spite of the various incidents of theft due to the so-called transaction malleability (allowing for the unique ID of a Bitcoin transaction to be modified before it is confirmed on the Bitcoin network) and the recent BGP hack (exploiting the Internet Border Gateway Protocol to redirect mining traffic to a malicious server), Bitcoin is still strong and alive. Indeed, most of these attacks are due not to a flaw in the Bitcoin protocol, but rather to a lack of understanding and poor security measures taken by Bitcoin users or exchanges.

Facing dramatic price swings and hostile regulatory environments (De Filippi, 2014a), the Bitcoin network coordinates today over tens of thousands of transactions per day, in a relatively efficient manner. The network reflects within its own system the qualities of coordination and trust: two features which are key to the success of many financial organisations and monetary systems.

Yet, Bitcoin constitutes a major change in comparison with previous payment systems to the extent that it enables true independence from centralised forms of control. By creating a trustless system (where strangers can interact without having to trust each other), Bitcoin shifted the focus of trust away from the financial institution, towards the technology underlying the network. In this way, Bitcoin has proven that it is possible to implement a working decentralised currency system that remains independent from governments and corporations.

But Bitcoin’s real innovation is not the currency itself. The Bitcoin blockchain can extend beyond the monetary realm, to support all forms of social, legal and political transactions (De Filippi, 2014b).

Ethereum – disrupting social and political institutions

Thus far the most powerful example of blockchain-based application is Ethereum, an innovative platform that implements a turing complete scripting language (i.e., one that can solve any possible computational problem) on top of a decentralised cryptocurrency.

Ethereum builds upon the technology of Bitcoin to manage and coordinate different kinds of transactions in a trustless and distributed fashion (Buterin, 2014). While Bitcoin is limited to financial transactions, Ethereum can cover different types of transactions, provided that these can be ‘encoded’ into the blockchain. Financial instruments – such as insurance contracts or derivatives – can be translated into code so as to be understood and automatically enforced by the platform. Physical assets – such as smart phones or smart cars – can be linked to one or more cryptographic tokens that will determine both who owns them and who is entitled to use them. More generally, and perhaps most importantly, Ethereum can be used to regulate social interactions between individuals – such as an employer and its employees, or a licensor and its licensees – through a series of electronic agreements (i.e., smart-contracts) whose provisions can be automatically enforced by the underlying code of the platform; the mechanism by which the contract is defined (i.e., the code) is the same mechanism through which the contract is enforced.

As a result, Ethereum eliminates the need for trust between parties as well as the need for a centralised entity coordinating these parties. People can thus coordinate themselves, in a trustless (since the trust has been shifted onto the technology) and decentralised manner, without having to rely on the services of any third party institution – be it a corporate body or public institution.

Hence, what Bitcoin did to the financial system, Ethereum could do to the political system as a whole. In other words, if Bitcoin was designed as a decentralised alternative to counteract the corruption and inefficiency of the monetary system, Ethereum constitutes a decentralised alternative to the notion of the organisation per se.

Through its decentralised application platform, Ethereum eliminates the need for people to rely on centralised authorities and traditional, top-down governance models, to experiment instead with novel forms of distributed governance where decision-making occurs at the edges of the network. In this sense, Ethereum could contribute to supplanting centralised and hierarchical organisations with more decentralised (autonomous) organisations relying on contract-based coordination.

Today, Ethereum already appears to be a promising technology, at least considering the hype that has built up around it. Following the first two weeks of pre-sale, over 54.000.000 Ether have already been sold (worth almost $16.000.000 as of 1 August 2014). But the most interesting part has yet to come, as Ethereum’s official release will only happen during the last quarter of 2014. We are just witnessing today the emergence of new opportunities for individual emancipation and self-coordination.

Ethereum facilitates a new form of distributed private ordering between a decentralised network of peers, which significantly differs from the traditional regulatory mechanisms employed by centralised organisations and public authorities. In the future, we might be able to build decentralised organisations with distributed models of governance, independent legal systems, or perhaps even autonomously governed communities that would compete with both governments and corporations.


Buterin, V. (2014). White Paper: A Next-Generation Smart Contract and Decentralized Application Platform. (Self-published). Available online at https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/%5BEnglish%5D-White-Paper

De Filippi, P. (2014). Bitcoin: a regulatory nightmare to a libertarian dream. Internet Policy Review, 3(2). DOI: 10.14763/2014.2.286

De Filippi, P. (2014b). Tomorrow’s Apps Will Come From Brilliant (And Risky) Bitcoin Code. Wired, at http://www.wired.com/2014/03/decentralized-applications-built-bitcoin-great-except-whos-responsible-outcomes/

Durkheim, E. (1895). The Rules of Sociological Method. Durkheim: The Rules of Sociological Method and Selected Texts on Sociology and Its Method, 31-163. (1982).

Nakamoto, S. (2008). Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System. (Self-published). Available online at http://nakamotoinstitute.org/static/docs/bitcoin.pdf


Quelle: policyreview.info

“Ripple changes the dynamics of value, allowing for a real-time market that can instantly trade between gold, currency, mobile minutes, and more,” GBI’s co-founder and CEO Steven Feldman said. “Our integration into Ripple allows us to continue our push into digital currencies by enabling investors to now buy digital physical gold…”


David Arnott, CEO, Temenos. Geneva – Temenos, the market-leading provider of mission-critical solutions to the financial services industry, today announces its annual customers and partner awards to recognise excellence …
Temenos – Google Blogsuche

how ethereum could shard the web

Given the state of our 25-year old web and all the problems inherited from legacy 1970′s systems design, we should pause and take inventory of those components which are fundamentally broken and would offer a substantial return on development investment. Intersecting this concern with security, privacy, and censorship resistance, it should be painfully obvious that an all-out attack on Internet infrastructure is already underway. As netizens, a shared duty falls on us to explore, exploit, and implement new technologies that benefits creators, not oppressors.

And while cryptography first allowed us to secure our messages from prying eyes, it is increasingly being used in more abstract ways like the secure movement of digital value via cryptocurrencies. If PGP was the first major iteration of applied crypto and Bitcoin the second, then I anticipate that the interaction and integration of crypto into the very fabric of a decentralized web will be the refined third implementation, taking root and blossoming in popularity.


the explosion of web services

Taking a look back at the brief history of the web, most would agree that Web 1.0 was epitomized by CGI scripts generating templated content on a server and delivering it to the client in a final form. This was a clear model of monolithic centralization, however, this basic form of interactivity was a huge improvement over the basic post-and-read format that comprised much of internet content at that time. Imagine having to reload the entire front page of Digg every time you wanted to click something:

Digg homepage 2006

As browser technology advanced, experimentation with AJAX calls began, allowing us to asynchronously perform actions without having to reload the whole page. Finally, you could upvote without submitting an HTML form and reloading everything. This movement to separate content from presentation—aided by CSS—pushed the web forward.

Today we have technologies like AngularJS and EmberJS which ask the designer to generate a client template with specific data holes to be filled in by some backend. Although these frameworks facilitate some of the programming glue for seamless and live updates, they also nudge the developer to work in a specific way. But this is only a moderate step towards Web 2.5.


The real Web 3.0 has yet to begin, but it could obliterate the notion of separating content from presentation by removing the need to have servers at all. Let’s take a look at some of the underlying technologies the Ethereum Project aims to deliver:

  • Contracts: decentralized logic
  • Swarm: decentralized storage
  • Whisper: decentralized messaging

Ethereum protocols - decentralized web

Technologies like Swarm could serve as the underlying static hosting infrastructure, removing the need to highly distribute and cache specific content. Because “decentralized dropbox” has been discussed with such frequency, expect HTTP-like bindings or services to be built atop this type of blob storage, making integration with the decentralized web 3.0 even simpler. This effort will also allow replacement of typical content delivery networks (CDN) with a distributed hash table (DHT) pointing to file blobs, much how BitTorrent works. Because of the flexibility offered by ethereum contracts, the model of content access could be creator pays, reader pays, or some hybrid system.

So we’ve just replaced the need to have caches, reverse proxies, CDNs, load balancers, and the like to serve static content to users. Another way in which Etheruem could impact this traditional infrastructure is by replacing business logic application tiers with on-blockchain contracts. Traditionally developed in a variety of web-friendly languages like Perl, PHP, Python, ASP, C#, and Ruby, ethereum contracts run in a fully-inspectable virtual machine that encourage simplicity and reuse. Business analysts and project managers might find this code transparency refreshing, especially since the same code can be written in Serpent (a Python-like language), LLL (a Lisp-like language), XML (a nightmare), or even in visual block form!

Ethereum blocks editor

How could all this be possible? Taking a look at the latest ethereum proof-of-concept 6 JavaScript bindings, we see that a sprinkling of JavaScript is all that’s required to monitor an account balance on the decentralized web:

<div>You have <span id="ether">?</span>.</div> <script> eth.watch({altered: eth.secretToAddress(eth.key)}).changed(function() { document.getElementById("ether").innerText = eth.toDecimal(eth.balanceAt(eth.secretToAddress(eth.key))) }); </script>

Because the ethereum protocol also acts as a large distributed key-store (a happy note for fans of NoSQL), eventually user accounts, credentials, and reputation can be migrated on-blockchain with the help of the Whisper communication protocol. In this way, ethereum sets the stage for an total sharding of traditional infrastructure as we know it. No more complex high-availability infrastructure diagrams. In the ethereum ecosystem, even decentralized DNS is free.

a decentralized future

Evaluating this context in a larger diagram of any systems infrastructure, it’s obvious that our current web isn’t as privacy secure or censorship resistant as we desire. Economies of scale have allowed single institutions to offer a vast amount of processing power and storage on the internet for very low prices, thereby increasing their market share to a point where they individually control large segments of internet activity, often under the supervision of less-than-savvy governments. In a post-borders era where the Internet knows no bounds, such jurisdiction has little or no meaning.

As economics of the ethereum ecosystem mature such that open contracts for lowest-rate storage develop, a free market of content hosting could evolve. Given the nature and dynamics of P2P applications, popular content will readily scale as the swarm shares, rather than suffering from the buckling load of siloed servers. The net result is that popular content is delivered faster, not slower.

We’ve spent decades optimizing the protocols that the internet was first founded on, but it’s time to recognize opportunities lost by continually patching the old system instead of curating a new, optimized one. The future will likely bring with it a transition period between traditional and decentralized technologies, where applications live in a hybrid universe and users are unaware of the turbulent undercurrent. But they should be.

This metamorphosis will offer developers an opportunity to build the next-generation of decentralized, private, secure, censorship-resistant platforms that return control to creators and consumers of the next best idea. Anyone with a dream is free to build on this new class of next-generation decentralized web services without owning a credit card or signing up for any accounts.

Although we are not told to or expected to, we have an imperative to cherish and improve the very shared resources that some wish to disturb, manipulate, and control. Just as no single person fully understands the emerging internet collective intelligence, we should not expect any single entity to fully understand or maintain perfectly aligned motives. Rather, we should rely on the internet to solve the problems of the internet.

Because of this, blockchain technologies like Ethereum will allow for simplification and lowering of cost not seen since the introduction of infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS). Extending the idea to beyond a simple web project, Ethereum hopes to demonstrate how fully decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) can live wholly within cyberspace, negating not only the need for centralized servers, but also trusted third-parties, realizing the dreams of early internet pioneers that envisioned an independent new home of the mind.

The post building the decentralized web 3.0 appeared first on ethereum blog.

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