Einträge von christian

Gav’s Ethereum ÐΞV Update V

I was woken by Vitalik’s call at 5:55 this morning; pitch black outside, nighttime was still upon us. Nonetheless, it was time to leave and this week had best start on the right foot. The 25-minute walk in darkness from the Zug-based headquarters to the train station was wet. Streetlights reflecting off the puddles on […]

The Subjectivity / Exploitability Tradeoff

One of the issues inherent in many kinds of consensus architectures is that although they can be made to be robust against attackers or collusions up to a certain size, if an attacker gets large enough they are still, fundamentally, exploitable. If attackers in a proof of work system have less than 25% of mining […]


Endlich der Wandel in der Welt der Maschinen?

Als die ersten Personal Computer eine breitere Nutzerbasis erreichten, gingen viele davon aus, dass der Nutzen für uns Menschen im Laufe der folgenden Jahre/Jahrzehnte groß sein werde. Der Mensch sollte in diesem Zusammenhang im Mittelpunkt stehen und Computer sollten das Leben der Menschen vereinfachen und verschönen. So war seinerzeit die utopische Erwartung. Inzwischen hat sich […]

Ehemaliger FBI Agent beschreibt, wie er über 3.500 BitCoin Transaktionen verfolgen konnte

Alles lässt sich irgendwie hacken: Fingerabdruck Scanner, Autos, oder auch BitCoins. Deren vermeintlicher Vorteil – die Anonymität durch Blockchain – lässt sich aushebeln, sofern man die BitCoin Adresse des jeweiligen Nutzers kennt. Aber das genau ist aus meiner Sicht der Punkt. Natürlich kennen die beteiligten Parteien bei Transaktionen die Adresse des jeweils anderen, aber für […]

The P + epsilon Attack

Special thanks to Andrew Miller for coming up with this attack, and to Zack Hess, Vlad Zamfir and Paul Sztorc for discussion and responses One of the more interesting surprises in cryptoeconomics in recent weeks came from an attack on SchellingCoin conceived by Andrew Miller earlier this month. Although it has always been understood that […]

The Fed’s Strategy for Improving the U.S. Payment System

The Federal Reserve Bank has released its highly anticipated strategy report for improving the U.S. payment system. The report follows calls for industry feedback in late 2013—which Ripple Labs participated in (letter, response)—during which the Federal Reserve acknowledged the payment system’s contribution to not only the country’s financial stability but also U.S. economic growth. The […]

Superrationality and DAOs

Warning: this post contains crazy ideas. Myself describing a crazy idea should NOT be construed as implying that (i) I am certain that the idea is correct/viable, (ii) I have an even >50% probability estimate that the idea is correct/viable, or that (iii) “Ethereum” endorses any of this in any way. One of the common […]