Einträge von christian

Temenos in der WIR | Trust Temenos

Für die letzte Ausgabe der Zeitschrift Wir – Menschen im Wandel hat Christine einen Beitrag über Temenos geschrieben: Im Tempelbezirk des eigenen Selbst. Wir haben die Erlaubnis erhalten, ihn hier zu veröffentlichen. Temenos – Google Blogsuche

Ripple Labs Signs First Two US Banks

Ripple Labs is thrilled to have signed its first two U.S. banks to use the Ripple protocol for real-time, cross-border payments. Cross River Bank, an independent transaction bank based in New Jersey, and CBW Bank, a century-old institution founded in Kansas, join Fidor Bank on the Ripple network, which continues to grow. Both banks are […]

Scalability, Part 1: Building on Top

Over the next few weeks, I am going to make a series of posts that is going to be a large overview of the possibilities for scalability of Ethereum, intending to create a precise understanding of the problems at bay in implementing a scalable cryptocurrency infrastructure, and where the least-bad tradeoffs and sacrifices required to […]

Ether Purchase Troubleshooting

Although we hope that the ether purchasing experience goes smoothly for everyone, we recognize that there will always be situations where things do not quite go as planned. Perhaps your internet connection dies in the middle of your purchase. Perhaps you accidentally click a back button or some link or simply hit refresh while the […]