
Defining the Ethereum Virtual Machine for Interactive Theorem Provers


Smart contracts in Ethereum are executed by the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). We defined EVM in Lem, a language that can be compiled for a few interactive theorem provers. We tested our definition against a standard test suite for Ethereum implementations. Using our definition, we proved some safety properties of Ethereum smart contracts in an interactive theorem prover Isabelle/HOL. To our knowledge, ours is the first formal EVM definition for smart contract verification that implements all instructions. Our definition can serve as a basis for further analysis and generation of Ethereum smart contracts.

1 Introduction

Ethereum is a protocol for executing a virtual computer in an open and distributed manner. This virtual computer is called the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). The programs on EVM are called Ethereum smart contracts. A deployedEthereum smart contract is public under adversarial scrutiny, and the code is not updatable. Most applications (auctions, prediction markets, identity/reputation management etc.) involve smart contracts managing funds or authenticating external entities. In this environment, the code should be trustworthy.

The developers and the users of smart contracts should be able to check the properties of the smart contracts with widely available proof checkers. Our EVM definition is written in Lem, which can be translated into popular interactive theorem provers Coq [1], Isabelle/HOL [19] and HOL4 [23]. We used our EVM definition and proved safety properties of some smart contracts in Isabelle/HOL…
To the complete paper – Source: https://yoichihirai.com/malta-paper.pdf
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