Schlagwortarchiv für: Cryptokitties

Metaphorical cheers and laud claps were heard across eth spaces as cats were once again seen roaming freely on the blockchain following a raising of the gas limit by ethereum miners.

Ethereum’s capacity has now risen to 7.6 million computations per block, up from around 6.7 million, and seems to continue rising at the time of writing.

As can be seen above, blocks are still full because thousands of transactions are waiting to move, but the queue has been dropping from 25,000 to 20,000.

Fees are also coming down. They were at 57 cent yesterday, now they stand at 28 cent and might drop further in the coming hours/days.

It is unclear at this stage whether miners have raised the gas limit following some simple protocol improvements, or whether they have opted to give the network some breathing room while we wait for these improvements

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