Schlagwortarchiv für: Subjectivity

One of the issues inherent in many kinds of consensus architectures is that although they can be made to be robust against attackers or collusions up to a certain size, if an attacker gets large enough they are still, fundamentally, exploitable. If attackers in a proof of work system have less than 25% of mining power and everyone else is non-colluding and rational, then we can show that proof of work is secure; however, if an attacker is large enough that they can actually succeed, then the attack costs nothing – and other miners actually have the incentive to go along with the attack. SchellingCoin, as we saw, is vulnerable to a so-called P + epsilon attack in the presence of an attacker willing to commit to bribing a large enough amount, and is itself capturable by a majority-controlling attacker in much the same style as proof of work.

One question that we may want to ask is, can we do better than this? Particularly if a pseudonymous cryptocurrency like Bitcoin succeeds, and arguably even if it does not, there doubtlessly exists some shadowy venture capital industry willing to put up the billions of dollars needed to launch such attacks if they can be sure that they can quickly earn a profit from executing them. Hence, what we would like to have is cryptoeconomic mechanisms that are not just stable, in the sense that there is a large margin of minimum “size” that an attacker needs to have, but also unexploitable – although we can never measure and account for all of the extrinsic ways that one can profit from attacking a protocol, we want to at the very least be sure that the protocol presents no intrinsic profit potential from an attack, and ideally a maximally high intrinsic cost.

For some kinds of protocols, there is such a possibility; for example, with proof of stake we can punish double-signing, and even if a hostile fork succeeds the participants in the fork would still lose their deposits (note that to properly accomplish this we need to add an explicit rule that forks that refuse to include evidence of double-signing for some time are to be considered invalid). Unfortunately, for SchellingCoin-style mechanisms as they currently are, there is no such possibility. There is no way to cryptographically tell the difference between a SchellingCoin instance that votes for the temperature in San Francisco being 4000000000’C because it actually is that hot, and an instance that votes for such a temperature because the attacker committed to bribe people to vote that way. Voting-based DAOs, lacking an equivalent of shareholder regulation, are vulnerable to attacks where 51% of participants collude to take all of the DAO’s assets for themselves. So what can we do?

Between Truth and Lies

One of the key properties that all of these mechanisms have is that they can be described as being objective: the protocol’s operation and consensus can be maintained at all times using solely nodes knowing nothing but the full set of data that has been published and the rules of the protocol itself. There is no additional “external information” (eg. recent block hashes from block explorers, details about specific forking events, knowledge of external facts, reputation, etc) that is required in order to deal with the protocol securely. This is in contrast to what we will describe as subjective mechanisms – mechanisms where external information is required to securely interact with them.

When there exist multiple levels of the cryptoeconomic application stack, each level can be objective or subjective separately: Codius allows for subjectively determined scoring of oracles for smart contract validation on top of objective blockchains (as each individual user must decide for themselves whether or not a particular oracle is trustworthy), and Ripple’s decentralized exchange provides objective execution on top of an ultimately subjective blockchain. In general, however, cryptoeconomic protocols so far tend to try to be objective where possible.

Objectivity has often been hailed as one of the primary features of Bitcoin, and indeed it has many benefits. However, at the same time it is also a curse. The fundamental problem is this: as soon as you try to introduce something extra-cryptoeconomic, whether real-world currency prices, temperatures, events, reputation, or even time, from the outside world into the cryptoeconomic world, you are trying to create a link where before there was absolutely none. To see how this is an issue, consider the following two scenarios:

  • The truth is B, and most participants are honestly following the standard protocol through which the contract discovers that the truth is B, but 20% are attackers or accepted a bribe.
  • The truth is A, but 80% of participants are attackers or accepted a bribe to pretend that the truth is B.

From the point of view of the protocol, the two are completely indistinguishable; between truth and lies, the protocol is precisely symmetrical. Hence, epistemic takeovers (the attacker convincing everyone else that they have convinced everyone else to go along with an attack, potentially flipping an equilibrium at zero cost), P + epsilon attacks, profitable 51% attacks from extremely wealthy actors, etc, all begin to enter the picture. Although one might think at first glance that objective systems, with no reliance on any actor using anything but information supplied through the protocol, are easy to analyze, this panoply of issues reveals that to a large extent the exact opposite is the case: objective protocols are vulnerable to takeovers, and potentially zero-cost takeovers, and standard economics and game theory quite simply have very bad tools for analyzing equilibrium flips. The closest thing that we currently have to a science that actually does try to analyze the hardness of equilibrium flips is chaos theory, and it will be an interesting day when crypto-protocols start to become advertised as “chaos-theoretically guaranteed to protect your grandma’s funds”.

Hence, subjectivity. The power behind subjectivity lies in the fact that concepts like manipulation, takeovers and deceit, not detectable or in some cases even definable in pure cryptography, can be understood by the human community surrounding the protocol just fine. To see how subjectivity may work in action, let us jump straight to an example. The example supplied here will define a new, third, hypothetical form of blockchain or DAO governance, which can be used to complement futarchy and democracy: subjectivocracy. Pure subjectivocracy is defined quite simply:

  1. If everyone agrees, go with the unanimous decision.
  2. If there is a disagreement, say between decision A and decision B, split the blockchain/DAO into two forks, where one fork implements decision A and the other implements decision B.

All forks are allowed to exist; it’s left up to the surrounding community to decide which forks they care about. Subjectivocracy is in some sense the ultimate non-coercive form of governance; no one is ever forced to accept a situation where they don’t get their own way, the only catch being that if you have policy preferences that are unpopular then you will end up on a fork where few others are left to interact with you. Perhaps, in some futuristic society where nearly all resources are digital and everything that is material and useful is too-cheap-to-meter, subjectivocracy may become the preferred form of government; but until then the cryptoeconomy seems like a perfect initial use case.

For another example, we can also see how to apply subjectivocracy to SchellingCoin. First, let us define our “objective” version of SchellingCoin for comparison’s sake:

  1. The SchellingCoin mechanism has an associated sub-currency.
  2. Anyone has the ability to “join” the mechanism by purchasing units of the currency and placing them as a security deposit. Weight of participation is proportional to the size of the deposit, as usual.
  3. Anyone has the ability to ask the mechanism a question by paying a fixed fee in that mechanism’s currency.
  4. For a given question, all voters in the mechanism vote either A or B.
  5. Everyone who voted with the majority gets a share of the question fee; everyone who voted against the majority gets nothing.

Note that, as mentioned in the post on P + epsilon attacks, there is a refinement by Paul Sztorc under which minority voters lose some of their coins, and the more “contentious” a question becomes the more coins minority voters lose, right up to the point where at a 51/49 split the minority voters lose all their coins to the majority. This substantially raises the bar for a P + epsilon attack. However, raising the bar for us is not quite good enough; here, we are interested in having no exploitability (once again, we formally define “exploitability” as “the protocol provides intrinsic opportunities for profitable attacks”) at all. So, let us see how subjectivity can help. We will elide unchanged details:

  1. For a given question, all voters in the mechanism vote either A or B.
  2. If everyone agrees, go with the unanimous decision and reward everyone.
  3. If there is a disagreement, split the mechanism into two on-chain forks, where one fork acts as if it chose A, rewarding everyone who voted A, and the other fork acts as if it chose B, rewarding everyone who voted B.

Each copy of the mechanism has its own sub-currency, and can be interacted with separately. It is up to the user to decide which one is more worth asking questions to. The theory is that if a split does occur, the fork specifying the correct answer will have increased stake belonging to truth-tellers, the fork specifying the wrong answer will have increased stake belonging to liars, and so users will prefer to ask questions to the fork where truth-tellers have greater influence.

If you look at this closely, you can see that this is really just a clever formalism for a reputation system. All that the system does is essentially record the votes of all participants, allowing each individual user wishing to ask a question to look at the history of each respondent and then from there choose which group of participants to ask. A very mundane, old-fashioned, and seemingly really not even all that cryptoeconomic approach to solving the problem. Now, where do we go from here?

Moving To Practicality

Pure subjectivocracy, as described above, has two large problems. First, in most practical cases, there are simply far too many decisions to make in order for it to be practical for users to decide which fork they want to be on for every single one. In order to prevent massive cognitive load and storage bloat, it is crucial for the set of subjectively-decided decisions to be as small as possible.

Second, if a particular user does not have a strong belief that a particular decision should be answered in one way or another (or, alternatively, does not know what the correct decision is), then that user will have a hard time figuring out which fork to follow. This issue is particularly strong in the context of a category that can be termed “very stupid users” (VSUs) – think not Homer Simpson, but Homer Simpson’s fridge. Examples include internet-of-things/smart property applications (eg. SUVs), other cryptoeconomic mechanisms (eg. Ethereum contracts, separate blockchains, etc), hardware devices controlled by DAOs, independently operating autonomous agents, etc. In short, machines that have (i) no ability to get updated social information, and (ii) no intelligence beyond the ability to follow a pre-specified protocol. VSUs exist, and it would be nice to have some way of dealing with them.

The first problem, surprisingly enough, is essentially isomorphic to another problem that we all know very well: the blockchain scalability problem. The challenge is exactly the same: we want to have the strength equivalent to all users performing a certain kind of validation on a system, but not require that level of effort to actually be performed every time. And in blockchain scalability we have a known solution: try to use weaker approaches, like randomly selected consensus groups, to solve problems by default, only using full validation as a fallback to be used if an alarm has been raised. Here, we will do a similar thing: try to use traditional governance to resolve relatively non-contentious issues, only using subjectivocracy as a sort of fallback and incentivizer-of-last-resort.

So, let us define yet another version of SchellingCoin:

  1. For a given question, all voters in the mechanism vote either A or B.
  2. Everyone who voted with the majority gets a share of the question fee (which we will call P); everyone who voted against the majority gets nothing. However, deposits are frozen for one hour after voting ends.
  3. A user has the ability to put down a very large deposit (say, 50*P) to “raise the alarm” on a particular question that was already voted on – essentially, a bet saying “this was done wrong”. If this happens, then the mechanism splits into two on-chain forks, with one answer chosen on one fork and the other answer chosen on the other fork.
  4. On the fork where the chosen answer is equal to the original voted answer, the alarm raiser loses the deposit. On the other form, the alarm raiser gets back a reward of 2x the deposit, paid out from incorrect voters’ deposits. Additionally, the rewards for all other answerers are made more extreme: “correct” answerers get 5*P and “incorrect” answerers lose 10*P.

If we make a maximally generous assumption and assume that, in the event of a split, the incorrect fork quickly falls away and becomes ignored, the (partial) payoff matrix starts to look like this (assuming truth is A):

You vote A You vote B You vote against consensus, raise the alarm
Others mainly vote A P 0 -50P – 10P = -60P
Others mainly vote A, N >= 1 others raise alarm 5P -10P -10P – (50 / (N + 1)) * P
Others mainly vote B 0 P 50P + 5P = 55P
Others mainly vote B, N >= 1 others raise alarm 5P -10P 5P + (50 / (N + 1)) * P

The strategy of voting with the consensus and raising the alarm is clearly self-contradictory and silly, so we will omit it for brevity. We can analyze the payoff matrix using a fairly standard repeated-elimination approach:

  1. If others mainly vote B, then the greatest incentive is for you to raise the alarm.
  2. If others mainly vote A, then the greatest incentive is for you to vote A.
  3. Hence, each individual will never vote B. Hence, we know that everyone will vote A, and so everyone’s incentive is to vote A.

Note that, unlike the SchellingCoin game, there is actually a unique equilibrium here, at least if we assume that subjective resolution works correctly. Hence, by relying on what is essentially game theory on the part of the users instead of the voters, we have managed to avoid the rather nasty set of complications involving multi-equilibrium games and instead have a clearer analysis.

Additionally note that the “raise the alarm by making a bet” protocol differs from other approaches to fallback protocols that have been mentioned in previous articles here in the context of scalability; this new mechanism is superior to and cleaner than those other approaches, and can be applied in scalability theory too.

The Public Function of Markets

Now, let us bring our cars, blockchains and autonomous agents back into the fold. The reason why Bitcoin’s objectivity is so valued is to some extent precisely because the objectivity makes it highly amenable to such applications. Thus, if we want to have a protocol that competes in this regard, we need to have a solution for these “very stupid users” among us as well.

Enter markets. The key insight behind Hayek’s particular brand of libertarianism in the 1940s, and Robin Hanson’s invention of futarchy half a century later, is the idea that markets exist not just to match buyers and sellers, but also to provide a public service of information. A prediction market on a datum (eg. GDP, unemployment, etc) reveals the information of what the market thinks will be value of that datum at some point in the future, and a market on a good or service or token reveals to interested individuals, policymakers and mechanism designers how much the public values that particular good or service or token. Thus, markets can be thought of as a complement to SchellingCoin in that they, like SchellingCoin, are also a window between the digital world and the “real” world – in this case, a window that reveals just how much the real world cares about something.

So, how does this secondary “public function” of markets apply here? In short, the answer is quite simple. Suppose that there exists a SchellingCoin mechanism, of the last type, and after one particular question two forks appear. One fork says that the temperature in San Francisco is 20’C; the other fork says that the temperature is 4000000000’C. As a VSU, what do you see? Well, let’s see what the market sees. On the one hand, you have a fork where the larger share of the internal currency is controlled by truth-tellers. On the other hand, you have a fork where the larger share is controlled by liars. Well, guess which of the two currencies has a higher price on the market…

In cryptoeconomic terms, what happened here? Simply put, the market translated the human intelligence of the intelligent users in what is an ultimately subjective protocol into a pseudo-objective signal that allows the VSUs to join onto the correct fork as well. Note that the protocol itself is not objective; even if the attacker manages to successfully manipulate the market for a brief period of time and massively raise the price of token B, the users are still going to have a higher valuation for token A, and when the manipulator gives up token A will go right back to being the dominant one.

Now, what are the robustness properties of this market against attack? As was brought up in the Hanson/Moldbug debate on futarchy, in the ideal case a market will provide the correct price for a token for as long as the economic weight of the set of honestly participating users exceeds the economic weight of any particular colluding set of attackers. If some attackers bid the price up, an incentive arises for other participants to sell their tokens and for outsiders to come in and short it, in both cases earning an expected profit and at the same time helping to push the price right back down to the correct value. In practice, manipulation pressure does have some effect, but a complete takeover is only possible if the manipulator can outbid everyone else combined. And even if the attacker does succeed, they pay dearly for it, buying up tokens that end up being nearly valueless once the attack ends and the fork with the correct answer reasserts itself as the most valuable fork on the market.

Of course, the above is only a sketch of how quasi-subjective SchellingCoin may work; in reality a number of refinements will be needed to disincentivize asking ambiguous or unethical questions, handling linear and not just binary bets, and optimizing the non-exploitability property. However, if P + epsilon attacks, profit-seeking 51% attacks, or any other kind of attack ever actually do become a problem with objective SchellingCoin mechanisms, the basic model stands ready as a substitute.

Listening to Markets and Proof of Work

Earlier in this post, and in my original post on SchellingCoin, I posited a sort of isomorphism between SchellingCoin and proof of work – in the original post reasoning that because proof of work works so will SchellingCoin, and above that because SchellingCoin is problematic so is proof of work. Here, let us expand on this isomorphism further in a third direction: if SchellingCoin can be saved through subjectivity, then perhaps so can proof of work.

The key argument is this: proof of work, at the core, can be seen in two different ways. One way of seeing proof of work is as a SchellingCoin contest, an objective protocol where the participants that vote with the majority get rewarded 25 BTC and everyone else gets nothing. The other approach, however, is to see proof of work as a sort of constant ongoing “market” between a token and a resource that can be measured purely objectively: computational power. Proof of work is an infinite opportunity to trade computational power for currency, and the more interest there is in acquiring units in a currency the more work will be done on its blockchain. “Listening” to this market consists simply of verifying and computing the total quantity of work.

Seeing the description in the previous section of how our updated version of SchellingCoin might work, you may have been inclined to propose a similar approach for cryptocurrency, where if a cryptocurrency gets forked one can see the price of both forks on an exchange, and if the exchange prices one fork much more highly that implies that that fork is legitimate. However, such an approach has a problem: determining the validity of a crypto-fiat exchange is subjective, and so the problem is beyond the reach of a VSU. But with proof of work as our “exchange”, we can actually get much further.

Here is the equivalence: exponential subjective scoring. In ESS, the “score” that a client attaches to a fork depends not just on the total work done on the fork, but also on the time at which the fork appeared; forks that come later are explicitly penalized. Hence, the set of always-online users can see that a given fork came later, and therefore that it is a hostile attack, and so they will refuse to mine on it even if its proof of work chain grows to have much more total work done on it. Their incentive to do this is simple: they expect that eventually the attacker will give up, and so they will continue mining and eventually overtake the attacker, making their fork the universally accepted longest one again; hence, mining on the original fork has an expected value of 25 BTC and mining on the attacking fork has an expected value of zero.

VSUs that are not online at the time of a fork will simply look at the total proof of work done; this strategy is equivalent to the “listen to the child with the higher price” approach in our version of SchellingCoin. During an attack, such VSUs may of course temporarily be tricked, but eventually the original fork will win and so the attacker will have massively paid for the treachery. Hence, the subjectivity once again makes the mechanism less exploitable.


Altogether, what we see is that subjectivity, far from being an enemy of rigorous analysis, in fact makes many kinds of game-theoretic analysis of cryptoeconomic protocols substantially easier. However, if this kind of subjective algorithm design becomes accepted as the most secure approach, it has far-reaching consequences. First of all, Bitcoin maximalism, or any kind of single-cryptocurrency maximalism generally, cannot survive. Subjective algorithm design inherently requires a kind of loose coupling, where the higher-level mechanism does not actually control anything of value belonging to a lower-level protocol; this condition is necessary in order to allow higher-level mechanism instances to copy themselves.

In fact, in order for the VSU protocol to work, every mechanism would need to contain its own currency which would rise and fall with its perceived utility, and so thousands or even millions of “coins” would need to exist. On the other hand, it may well be possible to enumerate a very specific number of mechanisms that actually need to be subjective – perhaps, basic consensus on block data availability validation and timestamping and consensus on facts, and everything else can be built objectively on top. As is often the case, we have not even begun to see substantial actual attacks take place, and so it may well be over a decade until anything close to a final judgement needs to be made.

The post The Subjectivity / Exploitability Tradeoff appeared first on .


Proof of stake continues to be one of the most controversial discussions in the cryptocurrency space. Although the idea has many undeniable benefits, including efficiency, a larger security margin and future-proof immunity to hardware centralization concerns, proof of stake algorithms tend to be substantially more complex than proof of work-based alternatives, and there is a large amount of skepticism that proof of stake can work at all, particularly with regard to the supposedly fundamental “nothing at stake” problem. As it turns out, however, the problems are solvable, and one can make a rigorous argument that proof of stake, with all its benefits, can be made to be successful – but at a moderate cost. The purpose of this post will be to explain exactly what this cost is, and how its impact can be minimized.

Economic Sets and Nothing at Stake

First, an introduction. The purpose of a consensus algorithm, in general, is to allow for the secure updating of a state according to some specific state transition rules, where the right to perform the state transitions is distributed among some economic set. An economic set is a set of users which can be given the right to collectively perform transitions via some algorithm, and the important property that the economic set used for consensus needs to have is that it must be securely decentralized – meaning that no single actor, or colluding set of actors, can take up the majority of the set, even if the actor has a fairly large amount of capital and financial incentive. So far, we know of three securely decentralized economic sets, and each economic set corresponds to a set of consensus algorithms:

  • Owners of computing power: standard proof of work, or TaPoW. Note that this comes in specialized hardware, and (hopefully) general-purpose hardware variants.
  • Stakeholders: all of the many variants of proof of stake
  • A user’s social network: Ripple/Stellar-style consensus

Note that there have been some recent attempts to develop consensus algorithms based on traditional Byzantine fault tolerance theory; however, all such approaches are based on an M-of-N security model, and the concept of “Byzantine fault tolerance” by itself still leaves open the question of which set the N should be sampled from. In most cases, the set used is stakeholders, so we will treat such neo-BFT paradigms are simply being clever subcategories of “proof of stake”.

Proof of work has a nice property that makes it much simpler to design effective algorithms for it: participation in the economic set requires the consumption of a resource external to the system. This means that, when contributing one’s work to the blockchain, a miner must make the choice of which of all possible forks to contribute to (or whether to try to start a new fork), and the different options are mutually exclusive. Double-voting, including double-voting where the second vote is made many years after the first, is unprofitablem since it requires you to split your mining power among the different votes; the dominant strategy is always to put your mining power exclusively on the fork that you think is most likely to win.

With proof of stake, however, the situation is different. Although inclusion into the economic set may be costly (although as we will see it not always is), voting is free. This means that “naive proof of stake” algorithms, which simply try to copy proof of work by making every coin a “simulated mining rig” with a certain chance per second of making the account that owns it usable for signing a block, have a fatal flaw: if there are multiple forks, the optimal strategy is to vote on all forks at once. This is the core of “nothing at stake”.

Note that there is one argument for why it might not make sense for a user to vote on one fork in a proof-of-stake environment: “altruism-prime”. Altruism-prime is essentially the combination of actual altruism (on the part of users or software developers), expressed both as a direct concern for the welfare of others and the network and a psychological moral disincentive against doing something that is obviously evil (double-voting), as well as the “fake altruism” that occurs because holders of coins have a desire not to see the value of their coins go down.

Unfortunately, altruism-prime cannot be relied on exclusively, because the value of coins arising from protocol integrity is a public good and will thus be undersupplied (eg. if there are 1000 stakeholders, and each of their activity has a 1% chance of being “pivotal” in contributing to a successful attack that will knock coin value down to zero, then each stakeholder will accept a bribe equal to only 1% of their holdings). In the case of a distribution equivalent to the Ethereum genesis block, depending on how you estimate the probability of each user being pivotal, the required quantity of bribes would be equal to somewhere between 0.3% and 8.6% of total stake (or even less if an attack is nonfatal to the currency). However, altruism-prime is still an important concept that algorithm designers should keep in mind, so as to take maximal advantage of in case it works well.

Short and Long Range

If we focus our attention specifically on short-range forks – forks lasting less than some number of blocks, perhaps 3000, then there actually is a solution to the nothing at stake problem: security deposits. In order to be eligible to receive a reward for voting on a block, the user must put down a security deposit, and if the user is caught either voting on multiple forks then a proof of that transaction can be put into the original chain, taking the reward away. Hence, voting for only a single fork once again becomes the dominant strategy.

Another set of strategies, called “Slasher 2.0″ (in contrast to Slasher 1.0, the original security deposit-based proof of stake algorithm), involves simply penalizing voters that vote on the wrong fork, not voters that double-vote. This makes analysis substantially simpler, as it removes the need to pre-select voters many blocks in advance to prevent probabilistic double-voting strategies, although it does have the cost that users may be unwilling to sign anything if there are two alternatives of a block at a given height. If we want to give users the option to sign in such circumstances, a variant of logarithmic scoring rules can be used (see here for more detailed investigation). For the purposes of this discussion, Slasher 1.0 and Slasher 2.0 have identical properties.

The reason why this only works for short-range forks is simple: the user has to have the right to withdraw the security deposit eventually, and once the deposit is withdrawn there is no longer any incentive not to vote on a long-range fork starting far back in time using those coins. One class of strategies that attempt to deal with this is making the deposit permanent, but these approaches have a problem of their own: unless the value of a coin constantly grows so as to continually admit new signers, the consensus set ends up ossifying into a sort of permanent nobility. Given that one of the main ideological grievances that has led to cryptocurrency’s popularity is precisely the fact that centralization tends to ossify into nobilities that retain permanent power, copying such a property will likely be unacceptable to most users, at least for blockchains that are meant to be permanent. A nobility model may well be precisely the correct approach for special-purpose ephemeral blockchains that are meant to die quickly (eg. one might imagine such a blockchain existing for a round of a blockchain-based game).

One class of approaches at solving the problem is to combine the Slasher mechanism described above for short-range forks with a backup, transactions-as-proof-of-stake, for long range forks. TaPoS essentially works by counting transaction fees as part of a block’s “score” (and requiring every transaction to include some bytes of a recent block hash to make transactions not trivially transferable), the theory being that a successful attack fork must spend a large quantity of fees catching up. However, this hybrid approach has a fundamental flaw: if we assume that the probability of an attack succeeding is near-zero, then every signer has an incentive to offer a service of re-signing all of their transactions onto a new blockchain in exchange for a small fee; hence, a zero probability of attacks succeeding is not game-theoretically stable. Does every user setting up their own node.js webapp to accept bribes sound unrealistic? Well, if so, there’s a much easier way of doing it: sell old, no-longer-used, private keys on the black market. Even without black markets, a proof of stake system would forever be under the threat of the individuals that originally participated in the pre-sale and had a share of genesis block issuance eventually finding each other and coming together to launch a fork.

Because of all the arguments above, we can safely conclude that this threat of an attacker building up a fork from arbitrarily long range is unfortunately fundamental, and in all non-degenerate implementations the issue is fatal to a proof of stake algorithm’s success in the proof of work security model. However, we can get around this fundamental barrier with a slight, but nevertheless fundamental, change in the security model.

Weak Subjectivity

Although there are many ways to categorize consensus algorithms, the division that we will focus on for the rest of this discussion is the following. First, we will provide the two most common paradigms today:

  • Objective: a new node coming onto the network with no knowledge except (i) the protocol definition and (ii) the set of all blocks and other “important” messages that have been published can independently come to the exact same conclusion as the rest of the network on the current state.
  • Subjective: the system has stable states where different nodes come to different conclusions, and a large amount of social information (ie. reputation) is required in order to participate.

Systems that use social networks as their consensus set (eg. Ripple) are all necessarily subjective; a new node that knows nothing but the protocol and the data can be convinced by an attacker that their 100000 nodes are trustworthy, and without reputation there is no way to deal with that attack. Proof of work, on the other hand, is objective: the current state is always the state that contains the highest expected amount of proof of work.

Now, for proof of stake, we will add a third paradigm:

  • Weakly subjective: a new node coming onto the network with no knowledge except (i) the protocol definition, (ii) the set of all blocks and other “important” messages that have been published and (iii) a state from less than N blocks ago that is known to be valid can independently come to the exact same conclusion as the rest of the network on the current state, unless there is an attacker that permanently has more than X percent control over the consensus set.

Under this model, we can clearly see how proof of stake works perfectly fine: we simply forbid nodes from reverting more than N blocks, and set N to be the security deposit length. That is to say, if state S has been valid and has become an ancestor of at least N valid states, then from that point on no state S’ which is not a descendant of S can be valid. Long-range attacks are no longer a problem, for the trivial reason that we have simply said that long-range forks are invalid as part of the protocol definition. This rule clearly is weakly subjective, with the added bonus that X = 100% (ie. no attack can cause permanent disruption unless it lasts more than N blocks).

Another weakly subjective scoring method is exponential subjective scoring, defined as follows:

  1. Every state S maintains a “score” and a “gravity”
  2. score(genesis) = 0, gravity(genesis) = 1
  3. score(block) = score(block.parent) + weight(block) * gravity(block.parent), where weight(block) is usually 1, though more advanced weight functions can also be used (eg. in Bitcoin, weight(block) = block.difficulty can work well)
  4. If a node sees a new block B' with B as parent, then if n is the length of the longest chain of descendants from B at that time, gravity(B') = gravity(B) * 0.99 ^ n (note that values other than 0.99 can also be used).

Essentially, we explicitly penalize forks that come later. ESS has the property that, unlike more naive approaches at subjectivity, it mostly avoids permanent network splits; if the time between the first node on the network hearing about block B and the last node on the network hearing about block B is an interval of k blocks, then a fork is unsustainable unless the lengths of the two forks remain forever within roughly k percent of each other (if that is the case, then the differing gravities of the forks will ensure that half of the network will forever see one fork as higher-scoring and the other half will support the other fork). Hence, ESS is weakly subjective with X roughly corresponding to how close to a 50/50 network split the attacker can create (eg. if the attacker can create a 70/30 split, then X = 0.29).

In general, the “max revert N blocks” rule is superior and less complex, but ESS may prove to make more sense in situations where users are fine with high degrees of subjectivity (ie. N being small) in exchange for a rapid ascent to very high degrees of security (ie. immune to a 99% attack after N blocks).


So what would a world powered by weakly subjective consensus look like? First of all, nodes that are always online would be fine; in those cases weak subjectivity is by definition equivalent to objectivity. Nodes that pop online once in a while, or at least once every N blocks, would also be fine, because they would be able to constantly get an updated state of the network. However, new nodes joining the network, and nodes that appear online after a very long time, would not have the consensus algorithm reliably protecting them. Fortunately, for them, the solution is simple: the first time they sign up, and every time they stay offline for a very very long time, they need only get a recent block hash from a friend, a blockchain explorer, or simply their software provider, and paste it into their blockchain client as a “checkpoint”. They will then be able to securely update their view of the current state from there.

This security assumption, the idea of “getting a block hash from a friend”, may seem unrigorous to many; Bitcoin developers often make the point that if the solution to long-range attacks is some alternative deciding mechanism X, then the security of the blockchain ultimately depends on X, and so the algorithm is in reality no more secure than using X directly – implying that most X, including our social-consensus-driven approach, are insecure.

However, this logic ignores why consensus algorithms exist in the first place. Consensus is a social process, and human beings are fairly good at engaging in consensus on our own without any help from algorithms; perhaps the best example is the Rai stones, where a tribe in Yap essentially maintained a blockchain recording changes to the ownership of stones (used as a Bitcoin-like zero-intrinsic-value asset) as part of its collective memory. The reason why consensus algorithms are needed is, quite simply, because humans do not have infinite computational power, and prefer to rely on software agents to maintain consensus for us. Software agents are very smart, in the sense that they can maintain consensus on extremely large states with extremely complex rulesets with perfect precision, but they are also very ignorant, in the sense that they have very little social information, and the challenge of consensus algorithms is that of creating an algorithm that requires as little input of social information as possible.

Weak subjectivity is exactly the correct solution. It solves the long-range problems with proof of stake by relying on human-driven social information, but leaves to a consensus algorithm the role of increasing the speed of consensus from many weeks to twelve seconds and of allowing the use of highly complex rulesets and a large state. The role of human-driven consensus is relegated to maintaining consensus on block hashes over long periods of time, something which people are perfectly good at. A hypothetical oppressive government which is powerful enough to actually cause confusion over the true value of a block hash from one year ago would also be powerful enough to overpower any proof of work algorithm, or cause confusion about the rules of blockchain protocol.

Note that we do not need to fix N; theoretically, we can come up with an algorithm that allows users to keep their deposits locked down for longer than N blocks, and users can then take advantage of those deposits to get a much more fine-grained reading of their security level. For example, if a user has not logged in since T blocks ago, and 23% of deposits have term length greater than T, then the user can come up with their own subjective scoring function that ignores signatures with newer deposits, and thereby be secure against attacks with up to 11.5% of total stake. An increasing interest rate curve can be used to incentivize longer-term deposits over shorter ones, or for simplicity we can just rely on altruism-prime.

Marginal Cost: The Other Objection

One objection to long-term deposits is that it incentivizes users keeping their capital locked up, which is inefficient, the exact same problem as proof of work. However, there are three counterpoints to this. First, marginal cost is not total cost, and the ratio of total cost divided by marginal cost is much less for proof of stake than proof of work.

A user will likely experience close to no pain from locking up 50% of their capital for a few months, a slight amount of pain from locking up 70%, but would find locking up more than 85% intolerable without a large reward. Additionally, different users have very different preferences for how willing they are to lock up capital. Because of these two factors put together, regardless of what the equilibrium interest rate ends up being the vast majority of the capital will be locked up at far below marginal cost.

Fortunately, there is a way to test those assumptions: launch a proof of stake coin with a stake reward of 1%, 2%, 3%, etc per year, and see just how large a percentage of coins become deposits in each case. Users will not act against their own interests, so we can simply use the quantity of funds spent on consensus as a proxy for how much inefficiency the consensus algorithm introduces; if proof of stake has a reasonable level of security at a much lower reward level than proof of work, then we know that proof of stake is a more efficient consensus mechanism, and we can use the levels of participation at different reward levels to get an accurate idea of the ratio between total cost and marginal cost. Ultimately, it may take years to get an exact idea of just how large these costs are.

Second, locking up capital is a private cost, but an equally strong public good. The presence of locked up capital means that there is less money supply available for transactional purposes, and so the value of the currency will increase, redistributing the capital to everyone else. Third, security deposits are a very safe store of value, so (i) they substitute the use of money as a personal crisis insurance tool, and (ii) many users will be able to take out loans in the same currency collateralized by the security deposit.

As a conclusion, we now know for certain that (i) proof of stake algorithms can be made secure, and weak subjectivity is both sufficient and necessary as a fundamental change in the security model to sidestep nothing-at-stake concerns, and (ii) there are substantial economic reasons to believe that proof of stake actually is much more economically efficient than proof of work. Proof of stake is not an unknown; the past six months of formalization and research have determined exactly where the strengths and weaknesses lie, at least to as large extent as with proof of work, where mining centralization uncertainties may well forever abound. Now, it’s simply a matter of standardizing the algorithms, and giving blockchain developers the choice.

The post Proof of Stake: How I Learned to Love Weak Subjectivity appeared first on ethereum blog.

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