
Build a No-Code Ethereum app in under 2 minutes

Graham McBain
 · 2 min read

Using Bubble.is and Portis.io

Photo by Kyle Hanson on Unsplash

Protocols like Compound Finance and DYDX are arguably the most compelling reasons why you’d want to build an app on Ethereum. Unfortunately the entire web3 stack is surrounded by a cloud of wonky terminology and technical barriers. This jargon minefield makes it next to impossible for the average Jane to get something up and running.

Until now

I’ve been working on an simple MVP Portis plugin that allows anyone to utilize these and other protocols with no programming knowledge. To do this I leveraged a platform called Bubble.is, a visual programming language with powerful workflow automation tools.

The first step in making this possible is integrating a wallet provider. I’m a big fan of Portis and integrating their wallet has proven to be very easy. All this took was a few evenings and emails to the team to talk about problems I ran into. This work has resulted in the first tool which lets a non developer create a Dapp, all in under 2 minutes.

First we need to spin up a Bubble app and install Portis


Great! Now you have a simple application that with the ability to set up a user with an Ethereum wallet. Now what?

The next step is to prompt the user to create a Portis wallet. To do that we will need to harness the power of bubble workflows. We can very simply connect a user action like clicking a button or a page loading to triggering.

In this case we’re going to use the page loading to trigger the Portis plugin action called “Portis login”:


We’ve completed the very first step in building our first Ethereum app!

Now we have the basis for our first Ethereum application, a user has created a wallet hosted by Portis. From here the user can’t really do much other than load up their wallet and hodl, which is what most crypto “users” do anyway.

This is still rather significant however, because for the first time someone with zero coding experience can created an application that interacts with the Ethereum network.

In the next installment we’ll do just that, we’ll check our wallet balance and perhaps even send a transaction!

Stay tuned.

Source: https://medium.com/@McBain/build-a-no-code-ethereum-app-in-under-2-minutes-e1834d131685

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